Welcome to My Kindness Movement

Welcome! This blog is about following my journey to become kinder. The mission is to perform random acts of kindness whenever and wherever I can. I hope you will contribute with comments and suggestions, as well as your own kindness experiences.

50 Ideas- Acts To Help Good Causes

1. Sign an online petition

2. Campaign for human rights and send letters through Amnesty International

3. Donate food or time to the Food Bank

4. Send a gift or a post card to a sick child via PostPals

5. Donate old clothes/ books/DVDs to a local charity shop

6. Help to raise awareness of mental health issues by talking about it

7. Donate food/money to the local Cats and Dogs home

8. Provide a loan to someone in a developing country trying to grow their business via CARE International

9. Give away items on Freecycle

10. Use the Give as you live site to shop and donate to charity at the same time

11. Turn off your phone/computer for a day to save energy. Use reusable bags.

12. Sponsor a friend doing a fundraiser

13. Sign a Shelter petition - better housing and renting rights for people

14. Complete the Live Below The Line Challenge and get sponsored/raise awareness of poverty

15. Offer to do a street collection for a charity/give to a collection

16. Volunteer on Tomnod - looking for natural disaster damage/plane crashes

17. Donate to a disaster appeal via their website or text

18. Donate an hour's pay to the Big Issue Foundation to help people who are homeless or vulnerably housed

19. Buy an essential product from a company who will donate underwear to a woman's refuge

20. Support refugees and raise awareness of their plight

21. Adopt an animal

22. Donate spare currency at the airport to a local charity

23. Volunteer

24. Learn about HIV and other diseases

25. Help cure cancer - use Cell Slider

26. Help to reduce food waste and support local charities who cook for vulnerable people.

27. Complete a fundraiser for a charity you support

28. Support the Leprosy Mission by donating old stamps

29. Help a charity/person setting up a school overseas

30. Buy a homeless person lunch and/or volunteer at a homeless project

31. Send treats to a project overseas

32. Buy products from a brand that does good such as the Innocent Foundation

33. Donate to  Save The Children to make sure children are given a chance at life

34. Support the Mental Health Foundation's  Babies In Mind project that works with pregnant mothers and those with young children in developing a healthy babies

35. Support Mary's Meals who work to ensure children have a meal everyday

36. Micro volunteer online

37. Support the Behind The Brands campaign

38. Complete the Ice Bucket Challenge for MND

40. Play Free Rice and help to end world hunger

41. Get clicking to raise money for good causes on GreaterGood

42. Support the British Heart Foundation -clear out your wardrobe

43. Support rough sleepers to get involved in something fun

44. Play a game and help cure cancer - Genes In Space

45. Donate toiletries to a Food Bank

46. Support a friend fundraising for a cause

47. Use recycled materials where possible

48. Turn off lights when they aren't needed

49. Support a local charity in your area and do a challenge

50. Pledge to help to end mental health discrimination

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