Welcome to My Kindness Movement

Welcome! This blog is about following my journey to become kinder. The mission is to perform random acts of kindness whenever and wherever I can. I hope you will contribute with comments and suggestions, as well as your own kindness experiences.

Your Experiences

If you have completed any Random Acts Of Kindness yourself, please write them here to inspire others...


  1. Hi Annie, I was in the bank the other day when an elderly couple came in and were obviously upset as their card had been refused when they tried to pay for their food shop at the co-op next door. The lady looked at their account and said they didn't have enough money to cover their grocery bill, they were confused and couldn't understand what had happened. I had finished in the bank so I went to co-op and paid for their food. I have no idea what happened when they came back to the shop but I'm hopeful that it was a good surprise! P :-)

    1. This is amazing!! I'm sure the couple were overwhelmed by your kindness. Thank you for sharing this story

  2. Annie suggested I add this experience to the site and its a little unusual as it involves an unplanned act of kindness to an animal not a person. Driving out of Glastonbury last night I saw a shape on the tarmac, and I recognised it was a badger. It was dangerously placed in the middle of a well used road. I slowed to a stop, blocked the road, put my hazard lights on and went to it. Cars were flying by both of us, not stopping, but I could see the badger's side was rising and falling. I knew it wasn't dead. We hung out for a few minutes, as I tried to soothe it yet it was flinching with each passing car and dazed and confused. Only one thing for it. Pick it up. I hasten to add I am not recommending this for everyone I just felt I could do it. I put him on the passenger seat with a blanket around and we looked at each other. We went to my friend's down the road, and after a bit of time and a trot around their front room (burning his nose briefly on a candle he passed by) he settled to rest. He even chomped a little cat food. The local wildlife rescue team appeared and took him for a proper check up and a night on a heat pad. It had started to lightly snow and I was glad. I've had an update and he is doing well and will be released close to where I found him in a few days time. I am sure if he had stayed stranded on the road he would've died. The experience was magical and I felt honoured to be let into the world of a wild creature, despite its misfortune. Secret World are based in Somerset www.secretworld.org and do incredible work to support injured native wildlife. If you see an animal in trouble consider giving them a call any time of day or night. They welcome donations too. Wild animals are constantly adapting to survive amongst human development in the landscape. It was the least I could do to help this creature trot on to fight another day. Mel.

    1. Mel I love what you did! I am amazed at you picking it up, knowing nature of badgers, but it definitely saved it's life. It sounds like you had an amazing experience! What a fantastic kind act and thank you for sharing it on the blog.

  3. Hi Annie,
    I'm the person at whose door you left the roses today - thank you so much, they're absolutely beautiful and a wonderful surprise. Your blog is inspiring and I and my daughter have decided to take up the challenge and see what random acts of kindness we can accomplish - so you see, you've helped more than one person in more than one way! Thank you, thank you. Xxx

    1. Wow thank you for commenting! I am so pleased to hear that you liked the flowers (I had a panic that you wouldn't have seen them) and also that you and your daughter are going to complete some acts of kindness too. This is awesome and exactly what I was hoping would happen as I do each act. All the best with your acts and it would be amazing to hear how you guys get on xxxx


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