Welcome to My Kindness Movement

Welcome! This blog is about following my journey to become kinder. The mission is to perform random acts of kindness whenever and wherever I can. I hope you will contribute with comments and suggestions, as well as your own kindness experiences.

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Avoid Negative Chat and Support Behind The Brands

Day 140

I made a decision today to avoid negative chat. It is easy to start talking negatively about something that bothers you but in reality it doesn't help. Being positive and solution focussed seems the best way to be, although not always easy.

Behind the Brands is a campaign run by Oxfam. Oxfam recently completed research on 10 large food and drink companies. They looked at their policies on issues such as land management; water access; how they treat women, farmers and workers; what they are doing to avoid climate change and how transparent the companies are. They have scored each company on each aspect and you can see this on Oxfam's website.

A lot of these companies did not fare very well. General Mills (the makers of my favourite cereal) scored 21% which is awful. Oxfam are asking us through their campaign Behind The Brands to make a stand to these 10 companies that they need to be better and do more to prevent climate change and make sure people have enough to eat and have a living wage. It is really easy to take action and I have made a stand.

I also received another act of kindness today from a lovely lady. Yesterday was a busy day and I was dashing around a lot so she thought I needed a treat...

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