Welcome to My Kindness Movement

Welcome! This blog is about following my journey to become kinder. The mission is to perform random acts of kindness whenever and wherever I can. I hope you will contribute with comments and suggestions, as well as your own kindness experiences.

Monday, 26 May 2014

Forgive Someone

Day 143

This weekend has been an interesting one. My husband came back to work after having being away to find that someone had rammed into his car in his work car park and just drove off without leaving any details. Thankfully, the type of car he has alerted him to the damage straight away and apparently according to the mechanic if he had been in any other car and proceeded out onto the dual carriageway the car would have flipped over with horrendous consequences. My husband and I did a lot of thinking on this yesterday after we had to pay a lot of money for the repair. The CCTV did not show much except that a driver did get out and deliberate for a while and was in a people carrier. In these times mistakes of this kind would be too much for families to afford and especially the rise in insurance policies. My husband and I decided to let it go yesterday and felt that these people just must not be in a position to cover the cost. I think all we would like to do is alert the driver to what could have happened if we could find him/her. We found this decision had a positive effect on us too, the anger seemed to subside somewhat and we had a celebration that nothing bad actually happened.

1 comment:

  1. What a great story and lesson in forgiveness! Thank you for sharing this :)


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