Welcome to My Kindness Movement

Welcome! This blog is about following my journey to become kinder. The mission is to perform random acts of kindness whenever and wherever I can. I hope you will contribute with comments and suggestions, as well as your own kindness experiences.

Monday, 13 October 2014

A-Z of Kindness

Week 16

It has been a challenge but I have managed to come up with an A-Z of kind acts to complete over the coming week.

Ask if someone is better after an illness
Be tolerant when you don't want to be
Cook dinner for a friend
Do the meeting minutes at work (everybody dislikes this job)
Eat healthily
Facebook a friend who I haven't face booked in a while
Give a compliment to a stranger
Hide money in a toy shop
Inspire people with great quotes
Join a campaign for justice
Krispy Kreme donut for a hard worker
Listen to someone in emotional distress
Money left on a payphone
Notice when people look good and tell them
Organise another Kindness Offensive
Pay for someones coffee
Quit complaining that my husband is away yet again
Ring home and tell my parents how much I love them
Support the Leprosy Mission and donate my stamp collection (that I still have from childhood)
Tape coins to a playground item for kids to find
Undertake a shoulder massage for my hubby
Volunteer to help as opportunities arise
Write an encouraging note on a cycle path such as 'keep going' or 'great work'
Xenophilic behaviour - respect diversity in all forms
Yolo - You Only Live Once - have a fun day

Zero negativity

Now I will get to it.....


  1. Some great suggestions, as always. I'm going to try to put this on my facebook page (and print it out) to remind me and pass the ideas along. Also, congratulations on the Fabulous award!!

  2. Thank you Kathryn! I am going to have a busy week :)

  3. Annie, Thank you so much for the gift card this morning you definitely brightened my day and I will enjoy a hot drink because of you - I did actually buy a member of staff a Krispy Kreme doughnut yesterday as they had a tough day so someone was looking out there for me today - Again thank you for the lovely thought much appreciated !!!


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