Welcome to My Kindness Movement

Welcome! This blog is about following my journey to become kinder. The mission is to perform random acts of kindness whenever and wherever I can. I hope you will contribute with comments and suggestions, as well as your own kindness experiences.

Saturday, 11 October 2014


Week 15

"Start a ripple of kindness with one small act...."

This week a lovely friend and colleague of mine called Sam nominated me for the You are Fabulous competition. A fantastic shop in Bath called Fabulous has teamed up with the Bath Chronicle Weekend Magazine and together they ask for people to nominate someone who they think is 'fabulous' each month and then they pick a winner. I won! I am so chuffed, it made my week. I am really excited to see the story next week in the magazine. I was given a £50 voucher to spend in Fabulous and there were some beautiful items that took my fancy. However, I decided to give it to my friend who has been helping me with acts of kindness over the last month. Last week she got up very early on Sunday and helped me carry lots of flowers across Bath to drop on some doorsteps. What a star! I have just got a message from her to say she bought herself a stunning necklace today and loves it. Great stuff!

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