Welcome to My Kindness Movement

Welcome! This blog is about following my journey to become kinder. The mission is to perform random acts of kindness whenever and wherever I can. I hope you will contribute with comments and suggestions, as well as your own kindness experiences.

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Create A Website That Will Make A Difference

Week 11

This week I have spent a lot of time thinking about how I will create a website to gain the support of the people of Bath to assist us in providing personalised support for people who are homeless here. Apart from the blog, I haven't got any experience of creating a website so this will be a challenge for me over the coming weeks.

A few weeks back my team and I completed a rollathon/bikeathon and raised a good sum of money for 'personalised' support for our rough sleepers but I am aware that we need to come up with a plan to ensure that this work is sustainable in the long term when this fund is depleted. The idea is to have a website that can be used to help the outreach team and any other agencies that support homeless clients to request an item that would make a massive difference to a person who is experiencing homelessness or has been homeless for some time; this could be art materials and equipment, an old musical instrument, a book, sports equipment, money towards a college course, help to get ID, money towards driving lessons, support to set up a small business, an experience or trip somewhere or even a skill that someone can offer- basically whatever will help and motivate the client. The client and worker would create a post on the website using a picture or image that represents the client requesting an item that would help them move out of their homelessness or work towards one of their goals early on in that process. We often find that the public want to help those who are homeless but don't quite know how to do it, this website would give them a personal story of how their help is needed and then a client can respond and explain how this has made a very big difference to them. The website can also be used to share updates about homelessness and the latest articles/publications; explain the services available to clients in the area and a little bit about what they do; list opportunities for people to volunteer or run a session to share their skills; update about the work of the outreach team or any fundraisers we do. I am also hoping that the website can help to increase awareness of homelessness and highlight the fact that it can happen to any one of us.

This is the plan so far -


  1. I really like this idea - esp ideas on how to help and making it more about personal stories. I think people would be really willing to offer a specific item or skill as sometimes we want to help but don't know how to. I've seen a few people in doorways in Bath and not been sure about how I can help them.

  2. Thanks Kathryn! I have been thinking for a while how we could engage the public in helping people.Thanks for the feedback. Hope you are well :)


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