Welcome to My Kindness Movement

Welcome! This blog is about following my journey to become kinder. The mission is to perform random acts of kindness whenever and wherever I can. I hope you will contribute with comments and suggestions, as well as your own kindness experiences.

Sunday, 21 December 2014

Accepting Kindness

Week 25

This week was an incredibly hard week and I had to step out of my comfort zone and accept help and support from my friends and family. This has not been easy for me as I feel that I am putting people out. However, I am learning to accept kindness as I know how it feels to give it and how nice it is for people to be allowed to be kind and feel like they are being helpful to you. A friend of mine said to me that it is just all the good coming back to me - in essence do good and good will come back to you. This is so true!  My friends and family have been really amazing to me during this hard time in my life - listening, moving and storing my stuff, taking me to the tip, helping me stay on track and positive at work (making it fun where possible), allowing me to finish cleaning rather than an early outreach shift, allowing me to stay at their home and looking after me, getting their parents to drive back to pick up stuff we had left behind in the street, taking me to dinner and generally just being there. I am hugely grateful and I hope that I can do the same for them if hard times hit.

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