Welcome to My Kindness Movement

Welcome! This blog is about following my journey to become kinder. The mission is to perform random acts of kindness whenever and wherever I can. I hope you will contribute with comments and suggestions, as well as your own kindness experiences.

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Anonymous Acts Of Kindness

This week I have decided to complete anonymous acts of kindness. If someone discovers that it was me who gave them an act of kindness I have to try again (and harder) and do another anonymous act. Up until now I have been adding my card to encourage people to pay it forward and spread a little bit of kindness around us, but this week it will be nice just to do something nice for someone anonymously.

1. Bought and sent a lovely friend a badge.

2. Bought a bagel shop gift card and left it in a bus stop.

3. Put some lovely flowers on the bonnet of a car with a note.

4. Bought a wedding gift anonymously for a stranger by searching randomly on Debenham's online gift list section.

5. Bought a gift from a strangers baby wish list on Amazon.
6. Bought a gift for a child in a refuge (the Haven in Coventry) to open on Christmas day. It is hard being in a refuge let alone on Christmas day.

7. Left a number of products for the next tenants of my flat - a box of dishwasher tablets, dishwasher cleaner, loads of black bags and a brand new bin. I also cleaned the flat to within an inch of its life, I hope they love the flat - it was a great place to live!

8. Put some money in a great book that I have been reading- 'Unleashing Your Creativity' before it is sent back to the library.

Unfortunately, my friend guessed it was me who gave her the badge so I completed another act. I recently found a website about a group of people wanting to create an honest documentary about a family in the process of being rehoused. I wanted to support the work as I feel more needs to be done to raise awareness of homelessness. I contributed to their fundraising page see here.

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